Nálepka “toy”


Brandt Peters

David Levinthal

My Little Pony Customizations


Save the balls!

Florentijn Hofman

Designer Toys

New paper toys by Jason Harlan


“Send a toy travelling or help one on its journey”

A ToyVoyager is a toy on a random journey, tracked on this website. It relies solely on the actions of the people it comes into contact with to help it on its way. Each ToyVoyager has a travel tag with a unique id number – anybody who finds one is encouraged to come to this website and update its travelog to say where it has been and when. Over time this becomes a history of the ToyVoyager’s adventures.

Playmobil unleashes legal action against toy Bible

A German pastor who sought to teach children the Easter message by fashioning bibilical scenes out of specially adapted Playmobil figures has been ordered by the toy maker to dismantle his creations.

The slideshow

Designer Toys Gallery

Custom My Little Ponies