Nálepka “money”

US Currency Redesign

by Michael Tyznik

as part of the The Dollar ReDe$ign Project

Top 5 Internet Millionaire Kids

“Kdo umí, ten umí, kdo neumí, ten čumí”

Bank Notes: a collection of Bank Robbery Notes

This is a robbery.
Put all the money in the bag.

Origami Dollar Bills

U.S. National Debt Clock : Real Time

Record for most zeroes on a banknote

31-07-1946: 1 USD = 460 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 pengő

Maybe You Shouldn’t Buy That

A collection of the most expensive and most worthless items in the world.

Trillion Dollar campaign

Wall murals for ‘The Zimbabwean Newspaper’ made up of worthless Zimbabwean bank notes. A trillion Zimbabwean dollars can’t buy you any advertising, it can’t even buy you the paper to print your message on, so you might as well turn the money into your advertising.

Coinstar by PES

iFart developer makes $40,000 in 2 days

Top 10 Most Expensive Accidents in History



Every day a countless number of bank notes change hands all around the world. When was the last time the money itself said something to you? When did it last make you think? Has it ever?

The secret of Bill Gates’ success

Defaced presidents

Adding a New Face To Money

(…and the pool)