Nálepka “rešpekt”

PNBHS Haka for Mr. Dawson Tamatea’s Funeral Service

Be prepared take hold
Reach out
We of Palmerston North Boys’ High School stand steadfast
Within our Domain
Standing firm
Standing proud
Standing with respect
To uphold
To uplift
To uplift
To uphold
The prestige of our school
Our aims are to seek knowledge
And reach our goals and aspirations
Seek the horizon of aspirations
And draw near to it
Those aspirations that are near, take them
And it be known, yes, let it be known
Let your adrenalin abound high above
It is done!!!

The 2012 Summer Paralympics

Finding Freedom

Baxter Humby

Peg leg bates

The Best Dunker on YouTube

Tu je link na post z youtube, oplatí sa preklikať odkazy. Nakoniec pesnička, bez ktorej by bol tento post len polovičný.

Oldest Nobel laureate turns 100

Pug Determination

Je jasné, kto je pánom v domácnosti…ale snaživosť sa cení…